We all read those Instagram and Pintrest posts saying "Easy ways to burn more calories
everyday by doing nothing" or "ten things you can do to burn extra calories". But to be honest, how
significant is fidgeting or leg raises at your desk at work?
The only way to burn calories is to move people!!!!!!!
Like walking, jogging, biking, zumba, weight lifting (yes women, weights, lift them!),
yoga..... the list literally goes on forever. But here's the thing. if you want to see results that last you
have to put in the work.
So here is my easy way to burn more calories.
I have a treadmill that I put in front of my t.v. in the basement (which is our family room area).
Most nights I usually watch at least an hour of t.v. before bed. So one night I figured why not combine the two. It has been one of the easiest ways to fit more cardio into my day in addition to
my normal gym routine. .
Just turn the incline up and keep the pace as brisk as you can (2.8 ish).
Twenty minutes in and I'm sweating like a pig.
Now people always say they don't have money to invest in a piece of workout equipment.
Here's my rebuttal.
Why don't you want to invest in yourself? You want to put food on your stomach and buy nice clothes, but you don't want to bring the exercise into your home? You're already watching the t.v.
Also, people who carry extra weight around can be
more prone to a multitude of diseases and issues that cost a ton in medical bills.
And, investing in workout equipment can benefit your whole family.
You could use a stationary bike, an elliptical or a stepper too. And, get them used. They
don't have to be state of the art or perfect. They just have to work.
I didn't always have a treadmill. Before I lived with my boyfriend, I used to walk in the park near my house a few days a week. I would get audio books on my phone and listen while I walked.
Bottom line, find time everyday for some exercise. This is just my way of making sure that
I don't have any excuses!