Monday, June 15, 2015

And in the Beginning.

Jenn On The Go.

Health Simplified.

Almost everyday, I talk to someone who wants to get healthy, but can't.  I think at this point, I have heard every excuse in the book.  

"I just don't have time to eat healthy and exercise."
"I don't like fruits and veggies."
"I can't stop drinking soda because I need the caffeine."
"Eating healthy is so expensive."
"Gyms make me nervous and I hate people watching me."

Literally the list goes on forever. And I can't stand it.  I just don't believe it.  Anything in life worth doing or having takes work, time and a bit of sacrifice.  

In this blog I will discover more about how to create and maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Its not hard but it does take effort.  Some of the post topics will include:

Full days of eating
Fitness nuggets
Hydration and sleep
Eating on the go
Processed foods and Additives
and Healthy lifestyle posts

Also, fully expect a ton of pictures of my puppy.  Shes my whole life and shes precious.  

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