Saturday, October 24, 2015

Running and Abs while on vacation!

I am super excited that I get to be visiting my friends this weekend in Kent Ohio. I went to college here and wanted to get a chance to visit and catch up before the winter.  
When I woke up this morning, I found an amazing little bike trail just next to my friend's apartment.  I got in a solid 3 mile run before breakfast and felt amazing. 

Finding fun new places to run when I'm traveling is a great way to motivate yourself to get out and exercise.  Normally when traveling, the last thing I want to do it workout, even though it is definitely what I need with all this food.

I also got a short ab workout after my run, I like to do a few short ab sessions a few times a week to keep them working all week. When I can I like to use the 10 Minute Fix for abs which is part of the 21 day fix program.  

I like this set of moves for a quick ab workout that really gets a good burn.  Literally everyone can find ten minutes to fit into their schedule.  
Crunches - 20x
Table Top Crunches - 20x
Crunches with right leg up - 20x
Crunches with left leg up - 20x
Cross Crunches - 20x
Tap Crunches - 20x
Twist Crunches - 20x each side
Oblique Crunches - 20x each side
Bicycles - 20x
Repeat whole cycle twice.
Flutter kicks - 20x
Ankle Crosses - 20x

After this, my abs are crying.  
Another reason why I love to make time for exercise during travel is to prevent feeling horrible when I get home.  We all tend to go a bit harder on the restaurant food and booze when we travel, which of course leaves you feeling like a bloated whale after. When I know I've gotten a good workout in or two, I don't feel nearly as guilty when I get home.  

I hope you all have an amazing weekend.  Happy almost Halloween!

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